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Learning initiatives: Provide proof, not only evidence

In business, for learning to be able to proof its success in its impact on business results, we need to gather evidence of change. Management will NEVER give learning professionals the full credit for resolving a business concern. But that should NOT stop Learning Advocates and Learning & Development Managers from gathering sufficient evidence to prove the importance of a structured approach to organizational learning.

The burden of proof lies with the Learning and Development Manager within the organization. You need to be able to collect all the evidence, the statistics and pertinent information. This may sounds overwhelming – but essentially its what defines the effectiveness of any learning programs that were introduced to the organization, and you are the main advocator as the L&D Manager.

Getting into terms Evidence is something that contributes to knowledge of what happened. Proof is evidence that is sufficient to demonstrate the certainty of something.

The questions that are foremost in Learning Managers is how do I go about doing it?

Read this article which outlines the methodology, case studies, etc. on how you can begin to show evidence and provide proof of the effectiveness of your learning programs.

MWS provides you with an actionable and structured approach to your workforce training and learning program. It involves high engagement throughout the organization to ensure evidence, proof and success.

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